Friday, June 26, 2020

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: A Self Motivated Soul!

Benjamin Netanyahu, currently serving as 9th Prime Minister of Israel. A pass out from MIT and youngest Prime Minister of Israel. He is the longest serving and first Prime Minister to be born on the lands of Israel after establishment of state. He has been serving as Prime Minister of Israel from 2009 and previously from 1996-99. Let us get into his life and find out everything about his personal, professional life.
He was born on 21 October 1949. He was born in  secular Jewish family. His father was Warsaw born. His father name is Prof. Benzion Netanyahu (1910-2012). His mother was from Jerusalem and her name is Tzila Segal (1912-2000). He was born at Tel Aviv, Israel.
He was 2nd out of 3 children. By DNA test, it was confirmed that he is from Sephardi Jewish Ancestry. He has been raised in Jerusalem and Philadelphia state of USA. He has been obedient, active, brave, cheerful, disciplined, friendly, punctual, responsible, helpful, polite and courteous.
Between 1956-58 and 1963-67, he lived in Philadelphia state of USA, where his father was professor in Dropsie College. He used to visit Temple Judea of Philadelphia. He is very good in English. He was active in several clubs including chess, soccer and debate.
After returning to Israel from 1967 from USA after completing high school, he served in Israel defense forces for 5 years.
When he was in Jerusalem, he studied in Henrietta Szold Elementary school. When he moved to USA, he studied in Cheltenham High School. After serving in Defense forces, in 1972, he again moved to USA, where he got enrolled into Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to study architecture.
In 1973, he has to again return to Israel to serve in Yom Kippur war. After participating in war, he again returned to USA and again admitted into MIT under name, Ben Nitay. He completed his Bachelors in architecture in February 1975. He completed masters in June 1976 from MIT Sloan school of management. He wanted to to go for Doctorate too, but his studies got break due to his brother's death. 
He joined Israel defense forces immediately after Six-day war. He was head of special force unit, Sayeret Matkal. He had participated in Operation Gift (1968) and Operation Isotope (1972). He also participated in War of Attrition and Yom Kippur war in 1973. He raided along Suez Canal and then attacked deep into Syrian territory against Egyptian forces. He was also shot on his shoulder while on one of the operation. He was having a rank of Captain while discharging from defense forces.
He has served as economic consultant at Boston Consulting Group in between 1976-78. In 1978, Benjamin returned to Israel and established Yonatan Netanyahu Anti-Terror Institute in the remembrance of his brother' killing during Operation Entebbe. His brother was killed during Operation Entebbe. His brother was commander of unit in which Benjamin served and he was on counter terrorism operation at Entebbe airport, Uganda. During that operation, more than 100 people were rescued.
Between 1978-80, he was busy in setting up Anti-Terror institute. Between 1980-82, he became the director of Rim industries during which he came in connection with several politicians. Moshe Arens, one of the ministers, appointed him as Deputy Chief of Mission at Israeli Embassy in Washington D C from 1982-84. Between 1984-88, he was deployed as Israeli ambassador at United Nations.
During his stay in New York, he became friend of Fred Trump (Father of Donald Trump). Prior to 1988 Israeli legislative elections, Benjamin retuned to Israel and joined 'LIKUD'. At internal elections of Likud, Benjamin was ranked fifth of the party list. He was the member of 12th Knesset.
He was appointed as Deputy of foreign minister Moshe Arens and later of David Levy. With David, Benjamin's relation was not good and it got intensified with time. During Gulf war of 1991, he was appointed as official spokesperson of Israel to CNN and other media platforms. During Madrid Conference 1991, he was a member of Israeli delegation, which was headed by Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, after which he became Deputy minister in the Israeli's Prime Minister's Office. In 1992, Likud lost in elections. Netanyahu won internal elections of Likud after 1992 election against Benny Begin.
After assassination of Yitzhak  Rabin, his successor Shimon Peres called early elections. On 26 May 1996, elections took place. It was the first election in which people elected their Prime Minister. Shimon Peres lost the elections due to several suicide bombings before elections. Hence, Netanyahu won in elections. After becoming Prime Minister, suicide bombing continued.
The responsibility of suicide bombing of bombings was taken by Hamas. Netanyahu also opposed Oslo Accords. In 1996, along with Mayor Ehud Olmert opened decide to open exit in the Arab Quarter for the Western Wall Tunnel. On 4 September 1996, he met Palestine president Yasser Arafat. On 14 January 1997,  Hebron Protocol was signed. After Hebron Protocol, redeployment of Israeli forces in Hebron. In 1998, Wye River Memorandum was signed between Netanyahu and PLA leader Yasser Arafat to promote peace talks.
It was passed in Knesset on 17 November 1998. In 1997 , Mossad undertook the operation to kill Hamas leader, Khaled Mashal in Jordan.  Benjamin Netanyahu worked to liberalize the market. He also promoted selling share in banks and major state run companies. He also greatly eased Foreign Exchange Policy, allowing Israelis to have accounts in other countries and, move money out of the countries. Left wing always opposed Netanyahu. Right wing started opposing Netanyahu because of his support to Palestine in Hebron. Among Israeli public, Netanyahu had lost his support due to number of cases for corruption by Israeli police over him.
In 1999, Netanyahu lost in election. Ehud Barak won the election. He temporarily retired from politics and joined as senior consultant at BATM advanced communication for two years. In 2000, after downfall of Ehud Barak, Netanyahu insisted to conduct General assembly election to have stable government. After elections, Ariel Sharon was made Prime Minister, who was less popular than Netanyahu at that time. In 2002, after Israel Labor Party left the coalition, the post for Foreign Minister got empty.
Ariel Sharon appointed Netanyahu as new Foreign Minister. In 2003 legislative assembly election, Netanyahu was designated with Ministry of Finance. Some also believe Sharon's this step as a political threat due efficiency of Netanyahu as Foreign Minister. The economy of Israel was not stable, which will defame Netanyahu but Netanyahu's policies worked to provide momentum to economy. He worked for more liberal economy. Regulations over public sector were also made ease. He reduced the size of public sector. Taxation system was also streamlined. The debt to GDP ratio reduced. Foreign investment increased. Unemployment ratio was at lowest of all times. Netanyahu proposed to resign from office due to Gaza pullout. On 7 August 2005, he submitted his resignation.
After Sharon's withdrawal from Likud, Netanyahu was the most preferred candidate to become the leader of Likud. He got 47% votes. In 2006 elections, Likud got third highest votes after Kadima and labor party. Netanyahu served as leader of opposition. On 14 August 2007, Netanyahu got 73% votes to become the leader of Likud and candidate for Prime Minister.
Likud won second highest number of seats in the elections after Kadima. Tzipi Livini of Kadima declined to form coalition. Likud formed coalition with Labor party. He presented "Vote of Confidence" on 31 March 2009 and formed 32nd government with approved majority of 69.
After coming into office, he lifted checkpoints at west bank for free movement and free flow of trade. This step was to boost the economy. He also look for Arab peace initiative. He left office on 7 September 2009. According to reports, he have been to Russia to stop Russia from giving S-300 missile launch system to Iran.
On 24 September 2009 , at UNGA, New York, he mentioned Iran as threat and no nuclear weapons should be provided or allow Iran to build nuclear technology. On 25 November 2009, 10- month settlement Freeze plan was made. In March 2010, 1600 additional apartments in a large Jewish housing development in Northern East Jerusalem called as Ramat Shlomo.
In September 2010, Obama mediated talks between Israel and Palestine.
Israeli government was active is pressing Obama administration to release Jonathan Pollard. Protests regarding high cost of living in Israel took place. Trajtenberg committee was set up, which submitted it's report in 2011. Fiber optic was laid down to provide cheap and fast internet for every house. Netanyahu and his foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman decided to merge their respective parties to fight general election on 22 January 2013.
In 2013 elections,  Shimon Peres (President) gave a charge to Netanyahu to form 33rd government after winning election. He made coalition with Yesh Atid, The Jewish Home and Hatnuah party. He continued with economic liberalization . In December 2013, the Knesset approved Business Concentration Law. He also came up with privatization of ports.
In July 2013, tenders for construction of private ports at Haifa and Ashdod. In April 2014, Netanyahu was critical for Hamas and Palestine and formed a unity government. In June 2014, massive search and arrest operation was carried out at west banks especially against Hamas. Several missile attacks were done in this span. In October 2014, privatization plan was approved to reduce corruption and politisation in government companies. On 2nd December 2014, two of his ministers were fired. 

In 2015 elections, Benjamin Netanyahu formed government in coalition with Jewish Home, Kulanu and Shas. In August 2015, two year budget was introduced. There were reforms regarding agriculture, lowering import duties, deregulation of approval process in construction to speed up the building of infrastructure, lower fees for financial service.
On 6 June 2017, Israeli government withdrawal its annual dues from the organization which totaled around 6 billion USD  criticizing UN resolution and Kerry's speech. In February 2017,  Benjamin became the first PM to visit Australia.. In April 2018, he accused Iran for not holding up its end of Iran nuclear deal. He also praised North Korea- USA summit.

In June 2017, he was investigated by Israeli police for taking favor from businessmen, including James Packer and Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan. 
On 3 August 2017, Israeli police confirmed for the first time that Netanyahu was suspected of crimes involving fraud, breach of trust, and bribes in cases "1000" and "2000". The case for corruption over Benjamin was also recommended by Israel police to be charged on him. Netanyahu's criminal trial is set to begin on 24 May 2020, having been initially scheduled for March of that year but delayed due to COVID-19.

On 17 May 2020, Netanyahu swear in as Prime Minister for fifth time in coalition with Benny Gantz.

Benjamin Netanyahu published three books for counter terrorism. He identifies terrorism as totalitarianism. He advises tighter immigration laws in view for counter terrorism.
Netanyahu view LGBT people equally as normal people. All the laws and rights should be provided equally to LGBT people in view of Benjamin Netanyahu.
Under Netanyahu, the Israeli National Security Council has seen an expanded role in foreign policy planning and decision-making. He has also worked against illegal immigration. 'Prevention of infiltration' law was passed in 2012 to automatically detain whosoever entered in Israel without permission.
He promotes ideology of 'free market'. He has come up with many reforms in banking sector. He has removed restrictions over investment abroad. He promotes privatization. He reduced the size of public sector.. He reformed and made taxation system of the country more streamlined. He has reduced monopoly in the market and increased fair competition in the market.

  1. He is in close relationship with Hungarian PM Victor Orban due to relationship between Likud and EPP (European People's Party).
  2. He has very friendly relation with Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi.
  3. He has very good relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
  4. He has very old relations with US president Donald Trump.
  5.  He has good relations with Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro.
India and Israel share economic, military and strategic relations. India is the largest buyer of Israeli military equipment. Israel is India's second largest defense partner after Russia. Between 1999-2009, the military business between two nation has been around 9 billion USD. India and Israel also share relation over counter terrorism. They share intelligence reports with each other.
Benjamin Netanyahu has 3 marriages. He was first married to Miriam Weizmann.
They had a daughter named Noa. In 1981, Netanyahu married British girl, Fleur Cates. He got divorced in 1984. He then married Sara Ben- Artzi. She was a flight attendant in EI AI flight from New York to Israel. They have two boys. Yair and Avner.
In 1993, on a television show it was confirmed Netanyahu had affairs with Ruth Bar, his public relation advisor. He was also in friendship with Italian-American women Katherine price- mondadori.

  1. International Terrorism: Challenge and Response.
  2.  Terrorism: How the West Can Win. Avon. 1987. 
  3. A Durable Peace: Israel and Its Place Among the Nations.
  4. Fighting Terrorism: How democracies can defeat domestic and international Terrorism.
  1. Favorite Poet: Hayim Nahman Bialik.
  2. Favorite Books: The five forefathers of Zunaism, The rise of nuclear Iran- How Iran defies the west?, Advice to war residents.
  3. Favorite food: Pistachio flavored Ice cream (On average 14 kg Ice Cream per week)
Israel was reported to gain success in making vaccine against COVID-19. Benjamin Netanyahu also followed Indian's way of saying hello, 'NAMASTE' to others, by joining both hands with each other to follow social distancing. 
The nickname of Benjamin Netanyahu is 'Bibi.