Monday, July 6, 2020

Vladimir Putin biography: age, wife, KGB, wealth, politics, family

Vladimir Putin is serving as president of  Russia since 2012. He also served as an intelligence officer in KGB. During his office as president, Russia had ups and low in different sectors because of his policies. When countries and international organizations were imposing sanctions on Russia for Ukraine revolution and annexation of Crimea, Putin's approval rating was 85.9% which was six year high. Let us get into whole story to understand Putin's personality and his policies.
Vladimir Putin's full name is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. He was born on 7 October 1952 in Leningrad, USSR (now known as Saint Petersburg). His father's name was Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin Putin. His mother's name was Ivanovna Putina. He was youngest of three children. His elder brothers, Albert and Viktor, died in infancy.
Putin's mother was factory worker. His father was conscript in Soviet Navy, serving in submarine fleet in early 1930s. He also served in destruction battalion of the NKVD.
On 1 September 1960, Putin started attending School No. 193 in Baskov Lane, near to his house. At age of 12, he started learning Sambo and Judo. He is black belt in Judo and national master of sports in Sambo. Putin studied German at Saint Petersburg High School 281 and speaks German fluently. Putin started learning Law at Leningrad State University (now known as Saint Petersburg University) in 1970. He graduated in the year 1975.
Putin met Antoly Sobchak, an co-professor of business law and co-author of Russian constitution. He was very influential in Putin's career.
In 1975, Vladimir Putin joined KGB. He was trained at 401st School in Okhta, Leningrad. After training Putin worked in Second Chief Directorate. Later he was transferred to First Chief Directorate, where he monitored foreigners and consular in Leningrad. In Sept 1984, Vladimir Putin was sent for training at Yuri Andropov Red Banner Institute in Moscow. He then served in Dresden, East Germany. In early 1990, Putin returned to Leningrad and worked at International affairs section of Leningrad State University. On 20 August 1991, he resigned from KGB as Lieutenant Colonel.
In May 1990, Putin was appointed as advisor on international affairs to Mayor of Leningrad, Antoly Sobchak. On 28 June 1991, Vladimir Putin became head of committee for external relations of the Mayor's Office. In March 1994, Putin became first deputy chairman of Government of Saint Petersburg. In June 1996, Sobchak lost election due to which Putin moved to Moscow, where he was appointed as Deputy Chief of Presidential Property Management Department.
On 26 March 1997, President Boris Yeltsin appointed as deputy Chief of Presidential Staff. On 25 May 1998, Putin was appointed as First Deputy Chief of Presidential Staff. On 25 July 1998, Boris Yeltsin appointed Vladimir Putin as director of the Federal Security Service(FSB).
On 9th August 1999, Putin was selected among one of the three First deputy prime ministers. Later on that day Putin was appointed as acting Prime Minister of Government of the Russian Federation. On 16 August he got 233 votes in State Duma, after which his appointment as prime minister was approved. He is not associated with any party but pledged his support for Unity Party.
On 31 December 1999, President Boris Yeltsin resigned unexpectedly. According to Russian constitution, Vladimir Putin became acting President of Russia. After Yeltsin's resignation, Presidential elections held on 26 March 2000. Putin won election with 53% votes in his favor. Putin appointed Minister of Finance, Mikhail Kasyanov, as the Prime Minister. In August 2000, Putin was alleged for mishandling of Kursk submarine disaster.
On 14 March 2004, Putin was reelected as President of Russia with 71% votes in favor. On 12 September 2007, Vladimir Putin dissolved the government upon the request of Prime Minster Mikhail Fradkov. Viktor Zubkov was appointed as new Prime Minister.
According to Russian constitution, Vladimir Putin cannot continue as President of Russia for Third consecutive time. First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Mendvedev was elected as his successor. A day after, Putin became Prime Minister of Russia to maintain his political dominance. Taking out Russia from World Economic Crises and stabilizing Russia's population were two achievements of Putin.
On 24 September 2011, Dmitry Mendvedev proposed that Putin stand for Presidency in 2012. This switch was termed as 'Rokirovka' or 'Castling' in media.
On 4 March 2012, Putin won Presidential elections 2012 with 63.6% votes. Russian opposition accused Putin and United Russia Party for fraud in election although measures were taken in order to make elections transparent like webcams at polling stations etc. International observers from Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe also criticized voting. Anti-Putin protest raised in Russia. On his first day as president, Putin issued 14 presidential decrees also known as 'May Decrees' by the media.
These decrees were about Russian economy, housing, skilled labor training, education, relation with European Union and defense industry.
Putin won 2018 presidential elections with 76% of votes. His fourth term began on 7 May 2018, which will last till 2024.
In October 2002, Moscow theater hostage Crises took place. In 2003, referendum held in Chechnya for making new constitution that declares Republic of Chechnya as part of Russia. On 7 October 2006, Anna Politkovskaya, a journalist who exposed corruption in Russian army and its conduct in Chechnya was shot in lobby of her apartment. In 2012 and 2013, Putin backed strict legislation against LGBT community. Russian Gay Propaganda Law was passed against 'homosexual propaganda'. On 14 June 2018, Putin opened the 21st FIFA world cup, which took place in Russia for first time.
  • Intervention in Ukraine and Crimea:
    In 2014, Russian military made several intrusions in Ukraine territory. After fall of Ukraine president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian military took hold of all the strategic positions. Russia also annexed Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol. After referendum, Crimean voted to join Russian federation. In November 2014, Ukraine military reported intensive movement of Russian troops and equipment. International Community alleged Russia to break international law and violating Ukraine sovereignty. Many economic sanctions were imposed on Russia. In October 2015, The Washington Post stated that elite units have been deployed in Syria from Ukraine to support President Bashar-al-Assad.
  • Intervention in Syria:
    On 30 September 2015, Putin authorized Russian military to intervene in Syrian Civil War. It was requested by Syrian government to provide support against jihadist groups. The Russian military conducted air strikes, cruise missile attacks against militant groups that are against Syrian government, Syrian opposition, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant(ISIL), al-Nusra Front, Tahrir al-Sham, Ahrar al-Sham and the Army of Conquest. On 14 March 2016, Putin announced that large part is accomplished and ordered withdrawal of main part of Russian forces from Syria and. Russian forces deployed in Syria continued supporting Syrian government.
  • Interference in US election:
    In January 2007, US intelligence agency expressed high confidence in Putin ordering 'influence campaign' that deteriorated Hillary Clinton chances to become president of USA and later developing 'clear preference' for Donald Trump.
A referendum took place in whole Russia regarding some constitutional amendments that will increase Putin's office as President till 2036. Majority of votes were for the referendum.

Putin's domestic policy aimed to form vertical power structure. It was confirmed that Putin do not want political system in Russia to be like USA or UK but rather as system that was closer to Russia's own traditions. In July 2000, Putin got the power to dismiss the head of 89 federal subjects. In 2004, Putin got the right to nominate head (governors). Putin was also against Yeltsin-era oligarchs and Russian oppositions, which resulted into imprisonment of people such as, Boris Berezovsky, Vladimir Gusinsky and Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Putin succeeded in codifying land law and tax law. Putin also issued reforms on state security with Russian police reform and Russian military reform.
Under the Putin administration from 2001-2007, the growth of Russian economy was about 7% that made it 7th largest economy by purchasing power. By 2008, Russia GDP by purchasing power increased by 72%. During Putin's presidency, growth in the field of production, construction, real income, credit and middle class took place. Inflation remained problem however. A fund for oil revenue allowed Russia to pay back Soviet Union's debt by 2005. On 22 August 2012, Russia joined World Trade Organization. Individual from Intelligence agencies were placed at key position to control economy in better way. Russia diversified it's export by Trans-Siberian oil pipeline to support oil to China, Japan and Korea, as well as Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok gas pipeline. Many dams are constructed including Bureya Dam, Boguchany Dam. Funds are also located for smooth development in nuclear energy sector. Plan for constructing floating nuclear power plan is intended.
From 2000s, more money was spending in military and defense industry but from 2008, after Russia military reform, modernization of army and it's equipment started to make it more effective. A large program to deliver hi-tech equipment, ship to Russian defense forces began. On 1 December 2011, Russian Space Force was replaced by Russian Aerospace Defense Forces. After George W Bush called USA to exit from 1972 Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty, Putin called for development in nuclear technology of Russia. Under Putin, territorial expansion in Arctic circle also took place with increase in military presence there.
President Vladimir Putin consider strategic partnership between India and Russia as important. Putin keeps positive relation between BRICS nations. Russia also looks for strengthening relations with People's Republic of China by signing Treaty of Friendship and construction Trans-Siberian oil pipeline and Trans-Siberian gas pipeline for China to meet it's energy requirements. Russia Ukraine dispute affected many European countries. The plans of Georgia and Ukraine to join NATO also increased tension with Russia. On 18 November 2011, President of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia signed agreement to form Eurasian Union by 2015. After 9/11 attack Russia supported USA in the War of Terror. From 2003, Putin did not supported Iraq War. Relation got tensed even more when Putin provide asylum to Edward Snowden, who leaked classified information of NSA.
After annexation of Crimea, Russia was removed form G8. In 2003, Russia- Britain relationship deteriorated after Britain gave asylum to Oligarch Boris Berezovsky. Russia also alleged Britain for making secret payment to pro democracy and human rights groups. In 2007, Putin visited Iran to attend Second Caspian summit at Tehran after which Iran-Russia relation got better.
Putin supported countries working peacefully on nuclear program. On the other hand, under Mendvedev's presidency Russia denied to provide S-300 missile launch system to Iran. Russian authorities also completed construction of Iran's first civilian nuclear facility, the Bushehr nuclear power plant. President Putin has been attending BRICS summit.
In 2004, Putin signed signed the Kyoto Protocol, which looks for reducing greenhouse gases. Putin personally supervised many projects for rare and endangered animals in Russia like Amur Tiger, the White Whale, the Polar Bear, the Snow Leopard. Putin is chairman of Russian Geographical Society's board of trustees and actively takes part in protecting rare species.
Buddhism, Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Islam and Judaism are Russia's traditional culture. In Putin's era construction of Churches took place. Parents are given choices of education of one of the traditional religion that their children will learn. His policies are considered as giving religious freedom but getting all the religions under common umbrella of state authority. Putin always visit Orthodox churches, especially on holidays.
In June 2007, Putin's approval rating was 81%.In January 2013, approval rating of Putin fell to 62%. In May 2014, Putin's approval rating was six year high, which is 85.9%. According to Levada centre survey, Putin's approval rating was 87%. In June 2015, Putin's approval rating was all time high of 89%. In 2016, Putin approval rating was 81%.
Putin has image of sporty and tough person. Putin also get involved himself in some dangerous activities and also show off his power. He is very conscious about his height. Putin fly military jets, practice martial arts, riding horses, rafting and fishing. He drove sports car. He also has experience of shooting darts at whales using cross bow, scuba diving and catching large fish.

On 28 July 1983, Putin married to Lyudmila Shkrebneva and lived in East Germany from 1985 to 1990. They have two daughters, Mariya Putina and Yekaterina Putina. On 6 June 2013, Putin and Shkrebneva announced that their marriage is over. Putin has two grandsons. His cousin, Igor Putin, is director of Moscow based Master Bank and accused of many money laundering scandals.
In official data released during legislative wlections of 2007, it was reported that Putin has income of 1,50,000 USD and 833 sq ft apartment in Saint Petersburg. Putin has been photographed with expensive watches of around 7,00,000USD. He also been give these watches as gifts to peasants and factory workers. Anders Aslund estimated his income of 100-160 billion USD. Stanislav Belkovsky estimated his income of 40 billion USD. CIA estimated his income of 40 billion USD.
As President and Prime Minister of Russia, Putin lived in numerous official residences throughout the country. In August 2012, critics say that President Putin listed the ownership of 20 villas and palaces out of them 9 are build in Putin's 12 year in power. A massive Italian style mansion worth 1 Billion USD is under construction near the Black Sea village of Prakoveevka.
Vladimir Putin is Russian Orthodox. Putin's mother followed Christianity. His father was an atheist. There were no icons symbolizing god at his home but his mother used to go and attend churches regularly. His belief in god became more firm after life threatening accident he faced in 1996. When his dacha picked up fire, he did what his mom told to him and wore cross in his neck during outbreak of fire.
Putin is always seen promoting sports including Badminton, skiing, cycling and healthy lifestyle. Putin likes to watch football and he is a supporter of FC Saint Petersburg. He also has interest in Ice Hockey and Bandy.

  • He has been presented by civilian awards by many countries including Vietnam, Kazakhstan, France, Tajikistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Venezuela, Serbian orthodox church, Monaco Cuba, Serbia, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, China.
  • He has been awarded with honorary doctorates from Yerevan State University, Athens University, University of Belgrade.
  • He has been awarded with Confucius Peace Prize.
  • He has been awarded with Angel of Peace Medal.
  • In 2007, he has been person of the year by TIME.
  • In December 2007, he has been awarded with person of the year by Expert.
  • The central street of Grozny was renamed to Vladimir Putin Avenue.
  • The parliament of Kyrgyzstan named a peak in Tian Shan mountains as Vladimir Putin Peak. 


  • FAVORITE FOOD: There is food tester before Putin eats anything because of his safety reasons. He is not open about his food habits but it is believed that he loves Pistachio Ice cream to eat even after living in freezing temperatures of Russia.
  • FAVORITE MUSIC: Putin reveals that as Russian he loves Russian music to listen.
  • FAVORITE MOVIE: In 2014, Putin said his favorite movie is "Chapaev"(1934).
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