Tuesday, July 7, 2020

NEWS: USA may also ban Chinese apps including tiktok.

US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, while interacting with Fox news said that USA is certainly looking for banning Chinese apps including TikTok. US lawmakers have raised concerns over USA national security because of Chinese law, which says that all companies should cooperate with intelligence work under Chinese Communist Party.
He has also said that if Chinese apps want to attract global audience then they need to distance themselves from China and has emphasized for their independence from China. 
TikTok and other 58 Chinese apps have been banned in India during tension between India and China over border dispute. US is also having disturbance in relationship with China after Coronavirus, China's action in Hong Kong and nearly two-year trade war.

TikTok decided to leave Hong Kong after China passed Hong Kong's National Security Law to establish semi-autonomous city. 

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