Saturday, July 4, 2020

NEWS: China's national security law leads to Hong Kong protest!

Hong Kong
In 1997 Hong Kong was handed over to China from British control. While handing over, a unique agreement was signed that can be seen as small constitution known as 'Basic law' or 'one country, two system' policy, which was important for Hong Kong. They need to prevent some rights and freedom in Hong Kong that are not allowed on Chinese mainland, which include, freedom of assembly and speech, an independent judiciary etc.
hong kong
Under Article 23 of Basic Law, Hong Kong need to have it's own national security law but it was never issued due to it's unpopularity. Then, last year protests over an extradition law turned violent and anti china and asking democracy in Hong Kong. China will never want that.
China issued national security law for Hong Kong. This law is for anything that China sees as against the authorities. It criminalizes any act of 

hong kong
  • Secession: breaking away from the country
  • subversion: undermining the power and authority of central government.
  • terrorism: using violence or intimidation against people.
  • collusion with foreign or external forces
The law came into affect at 23:00 local time on 30 June 2020, an hour before 23rd anniversary of handover of city from British to China. Some provisions under new law are:
hong kong
  • Crimes of Secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces are punishable by maximum sentence of life prison.
  • Damaging public property can be seen as an act of terrorism.
  • Companies can be fined if convicted under the law.
  • Beijing will establish new security office in Hong Kong, with it's own enforcement personnel.
  • In addition Hong Kong will need to establish it's own national security commission to enforce laws, with Beijing appointed advisor.
    hong kong
  • Hong Kong's chief executive will have power to appoint judges to hear National security cases.
  • Importantly, Beijing will have power over how law will be interpreted. If any conflict with Hong Kong law occurs then Beijing law will prevail.
  • Some trials can be heard behind the doors. People who are suspected of breaking laws can be wire tapped and can be kept under surveillance.
hong kong
Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Carrie Lam was also not knowing about whole story before passing of this law. Beijing has told Hong Kong must respect and prevent rights and liberties while safeguarding national security. Many people fear that autonomy of judiciary will go with this law and rights and liberties will get eroded. People will not have right to peacefully protest against authorities, for the interest that goes against China's interest. 
  • JAPAN: Japan has raised concern over law that has been passed even after strong concern shared among international society and people of Hong Kong.
    hong kong
  • UNITED KINGDOM: UK will be raising the issue on UN Human Rights Council. UK will also be seeing in the agreement with China and strongly condemn passing of law against international community concern as well as against concern of people of Hong Kong.
  • UNITED STATES: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated law as 'draconian' which will end 'free Hong Kong'.
  • EUROPEAN UNION: European union consider this law against autonomy of Hong Kong, it's judiciary and it's rule of law.
  • HONG KONG: Chief Executive Carry Lam considers this law to affect only those who breach the law and damage public property.
    hong kong
  • CHINA: From foreign ministry of China it has been told that this issue is an internal affair of China and no foreign force should intervene.
  • TAIWAN: Taiwan made china remembered of it's promise of not changing Hong Kong for 50 years. and consider this law against their commitment.
  • AUSTRALIA: Australia raises concern over liberty and freedom of people of Hong Kong that will be gone after implication of this law.
  • INDIA: India at UN human right council raised the issue and told that relevant party would consider the problem properly, objectively and seriously. It is to keep in mind that around 40000 Indian origin people live in Hong Kong.

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