Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Everything about UNITED NATIONS: Definition, History, members, works, funding.

United Nations is the largest intergovernmental organization that works for international peace and security. United Nations looks for friendly relations between nations to achieve international cooperation. It is the most recognized and powerful international organization.
United Nations has six principal organs, namely United Nations General Assembly, United Nations Security Council, United Nations Secretariat, International Court of Justice, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council. United Nations' chief administrator officer is Secretary-General. United Nations and it's agencies have won Nobel Peace Prizes.
In summer 1919, President Woodrow Wilson presented the Treaty of Versailles and the covenant of league of nations to the US Senate for ratification. On 10 January 1920, after covenant of League of nations was ratified by 42 nations League of Nations was formally created. However, League of Nations was found ineffective in some cases like invasion of Manchuria by Japan and second Italo-Ethiopian war. During 1938, Britain and France tried to negotiate with Hitler but at last Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia. When war broke out League of nations was closed down.

In 1939, United States State Department thought for concrete plan of new world organization. On 29 December 1941, text "declaration by United Nations" was drafted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Roosevelt aide Harry Hopkins. It included four major Allied powers United States, United Kingdom, USSR, China. The documents signed by these countries came to be known as United Nations declaration. On next day 22 more countries signed the agreement and for the first time the term 'United Nations' was officially coined for all 26 nations.

The delegations from allied major powers USA, UK, USSR, China met at Dumbarton Oaks Conference from 21 September 1944 to 7 October 1944. They agreed for the aim, structure and functioning of UN. On 25 April 1945, 50 countries and number of non governmental organization attended UN conference on International Organization, San Francisco and drafted UN charter.

UN came to exist officially on 24 October 1945, with five permanent members of security council including France. 51 nations attended first meeting of General Assembly at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, London.

  • During Cold War:
    UN's main aim is to maintain peace in the world but cold war between USA and USSR made UN to look into issues distant from cold war. Security Council Resolution on 7 July 1950 which was authorized by US led coalition to repel North Korean invasion of South Korea was approved in absence of USSR with signing of Korean Armistice Agreement on 27 July 1953. On 29 November 1947, resolution in general assembly was passed regarding formation of state of Israel with partition of Palestine.
    On 7 November 1956, the first UN peacekeeping force was established to end Suez Crises. On 14 July 1960, UN established United Nation Operation in the Congo (UNOC). With opposition of USA but with support of third world countries, People Republic of China occupying Taiwan was included in UN.
  • Post Cold War: 
    The UN successfully negotiated for Salvadoran Civil War, launched successful peace keeping mission in Namibia, also conducted election in post-apartheid South Africa and post Khmer Rouge Cambodia peacefully. The UN mission in Somalia is considered as failure because of US withdrawal following with many casualties in Battle of Mogadishu. Many USA and European critics also criticized UN for mismanagement and corruption. Under Secretary General Ban ki-Moon, UN intervened in crises such as War in Darfur in Sudan and the Kivu Conflict in Democratic Republic of Congo, sent observer in chemical weapon involved in Syrian Civil War.
    The Millennium Summit held in 2000 was a three day largest meeting of world heads to discuss poverty reduction, gender equality and public health. The sustainable development goals were launched in 2015 to succeed in Millennium development goals.
There are total 193 nations joined United Nations. South Sudan joined UN on 14 July 2011. There are two non member observer states, the Holy See and the State of Palestine.
  • Group of 77: Group of 77 is a group of 77 developing nations. It is formed to promote economic interest and joint negotiating capacity in the UN. It was founded on 15 June 1964. The first meeting held in Algiers in 1967.
  • Peacekeeping and Security:
    UN send peacekeeping missions to the regions where conflicts have seized or paused to enforce terms of peace agreement. Forces are provided by UN's member states also known as 'Blue Helmets'. The peacekeeping force has received Nobel Peace prize in 1988. The largest peacekeeping deployment was in United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in Democratic Republic of Congo(MONUSCO), which included 20,688 uniformed personnel and the smallest deployment for United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan(UNMOGIP), which included 42 uniformed personnel. United Nations peacekeepers with the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization(UNTSO) have been stationed in middle east since 1948.
  • Human Rights Protection:
    UN's primary purpose is to promote and encourage human rights and for fundamental freedom for all without distinction as to sex, race. language and religion. In 1948, UN General Assembly adopted a Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In 1979, UN General Assembly adopted Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, followed by Convention on Rights of child in 1989. In 2006, UN passed a declaration on the rights of indigenous people and in 2011, it passed a final resolution on identifying rights of LGBT community. UN bodies responsible for women rights are United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, United Nations Development fund for women, United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women.
  • Economic Development:
    Another primary purpose of UN is to achieve international cooperation on economic, social, cultural and humanitarian character. In 2000, 192 states agreed to achieve Millennium development goals by 2015. The sustainable development goals were issued in 2015 to achieve millennium development goals. Associating financing network to achieve SDG's is called as Addis Ababa Action Agenda. UN development program was founded in 1945. The Food and Agriculture Organization was founded in 1945. UNICEF was created in 1946. The World Bank and IMF are international, specialized agencies and observer within the UN framework. World Health Organization was established to combat diseases and work for public health. The World Food Program was created in 1961.
  • Others:
    UN works for decolonization through groups including UN Committee on Decolonization. In 1972, UN Environmental Program(UNEP) was initiated. The UN sponsored Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1997. Earth Day, World Tuberculosis Day and International Year of Desert and Desertification are some events and days initiated by UN.
STRUCTURE: UN has six official languages Chinese, English, Russian, Spanish, Arabic and French.
    General Assembly is the main assembly of UN, consisting of all the members meeting regularly at yearly sessions. Emergency sessions can also be called. The assembly led by President and 21 Vice President. General Assembly decides on all major issues related to peace and security, admission of new member and budgetary matters.
    United Nations Security Council works for peace keeping and security. While other organs can only recommend what member states may do but Security Council has the ability to make country follow the decision under Charter Article 25. The decision taken by this organ are known as United Nations Security Council resolutions. The security council is made up of 15 states including 5 permanent members, USA, UK, Russia, France, China, and 10 temporary members who are selected for 2 years term. The presidency of UN security council rotates alphabetically every month.
    It is headed by Secretary General and assisted by deputy Secretary General. It provides studies, information and facilities for UN working. The secretary General is appointed by General Assembly after recommendation from UNSC, where permanent members have veto power. The term is for 5 years. The present Secretary General is Antonio Guterres, who replaced Ban Ki-moon in 2017.
    It is located in the Hague, the Netherlands. This organ works as judiciary for UN. ICJ consist of 15 judges who have to serve for 9 years. All the judges are appointed by the General Assembly. All the judges must be from different nations.
    This organ assist the general assembly to promote international economic and social cooperation and development. ECOSOC has 54 members with three year terms who are elected by general assembly. The president is elected for one year term. ECOSOC has annual meeting in July at Geneva or New York. There are various subsidiary bodies in ECOSOC which work toward gathering information, sustainable development, work for indigenous people, forest management.
    UN charter allows every major organ to establish various established agencies to fulfill it's duties. Like International Atomic Energy Agency, the Food and Agriculture Organization, UNESCO, the World Bank and World Health Organization(WHO).
UN is funded from voluntary contribution from it's member states. The General Assembly approves an annual budget and asses the capability of each member. The term 'Ceiling' is referred to as maximum contribution any member can make. The largest UN peacekeeping financial operation for the period 2019-2021 are: the United States 27.89%, China 15.21%, Japan 8.56%, Germany 6.09%, the United Kingdom 5.78%, France 5.61%, Italy 3.30%, and the Russian Federation 3.04%. Special UN programs are not involved in the regular budget, but are financed by voluntary contribution from member states.

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