Monday, July 6, 2020

NEWS: NSA Doval with chinese foreign minister on de-escaltion process!

Before pulling back of Public Liberation Army of China, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval held video call with Chinese foreign minister and state councilor, Wang Yi on Sunday. The call continued for 2 hours. This interaction took place just a day before PLA reported to move back from the point of clash between Indian and Chinese soldiers.
During interaction, talks held for full and enduring restoration of peace and tranquility along LAC. To prevent such incidents in future, two sides spoke to work together. As reported officially both of them had frank and in depth exchange of views on western sector of India China border. They both agreed for dis engagement of troops to revive peace at earliest in the region.
Effects of meeting showed today, when it was reported that PLA has moved 1.5km back of region of clash. Both sides also agreed that such disputes may degrade bilateral relations of both countries and in future prevention must be taken for differences to not become disputes. Step wise de escalation process at border must be done at the earliest. 
Both sides also agreed that both of them should respect and no side should attempt to initiate any unilateral action to change status of Line of Actual Control in future.

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